What is Goal Setting?


Goal setting is a process that helps you better understand your needs, wants and abilities in life. Goals are different than wishes because they imply action. Goals allow you to create a plan and take steps towards making those plans a reality. While setting goals is an important part of any person’s life, it can be difficult to actually accomplish them. To succeed in goal setting, you need to prioritize your goals, make them specific and measurable, choose one at a time and decide on how much time you’re willing to set aside for achieving each goal. Goal setting isn’t just about achievement; it’s also about personal development as well as getting help from others along the way.

an image of a dart on a board. This image represents aiming to create a goal.

Goal setting is a process that helps you better understand your needs, wants and abilities in life.

Goal setting is a process that helps you better understand your needs, wants and abilities in life. It’s not just about achievement; it’s also about personal development as well as getting help from others along the way.

Goals are different than wishes because they imply action.

  • Goals are different than wishes because they imply action.
  • Goals have a specific, measurable, and time-bound outcome. They also have a plan to achieve that outcome and a reward for reaching it (or some sort of punishment if you don’t).
  • Wishes are more nebulous–they’re just wishes!

Goals allow you to create a plan and take steps towards making those plans a reality.

Goals are a way of setting priorities. They help you focus on what’s important, and they create a plan for achieving them. Goals allow you to take the first step towards making those plans a reality by providing direction for your time and energy.

Goals can also be used as tools for self-evaluation: if you aren’t meeting the goals you’ve set, it might be time to reevaluate where your priorities lie or how they might need changing so that they align with the rest of your life goals (or vice versa).

An image of a note in a diary that says "make it happen!" This is tied into goal setting.

While setting goals is an important part of any person’s life, it can be difficult to actually accomplish them.

Setting goals is an important part of any person’s life. When you set a goal, you are making plans for the future and deciding what you want to achieve.

You can’t achieve your goals if you don’t know what they are! It may seem obvious, but sometimes people do not take the time to think about their own personal needs and desires, which means that they do not know how best to reach those ends. For example: if someone wants more money in their bank account but doesn’t know how much money they need (or even how much would be enough), then there’s no way for them to get where they want because there isn’t a clear path forward.

In order for goal setting practice such as this one from Forbes Magazine: “Write down three short-term goals (one month or less), two medium-term goals (6 months) and one long term goal (1 year).”

To succeed in goal setting, you need to prioritize your goals, make them specific and measurable, choose one at a time and decide on how much time you’re willing to set aside for achieving each goal.

In order to succeed in goal setting, you need to prioritize your goals, make them specific and measurable, choose one at a time and decide on how much time you’re willing to set aside for achieving each goal.

Set a deadline for each goal. Write down your goals and review them regularly (at least once per month).

Goal setting isn’t just about achievement; it’s also about personal development as well as getting help from others along the way.

Goal setting isn’t just about achievement; it’s also about personal development as well as getting help from others along the way.

Setting goals is a process that involves creating a plan for success and then following through on it. Goals are different from wishes because they have a timeline, focus on specific outcomes, and require time and effort to achieve. Goals should be realistic and attainable so you can stay motivated throughout the process of achieving them!

Setting goals is an important part of living life successfully, whether at work or at home.

  • Setting goals is an important part of living life successfully, whether at work or at home.
  • Goals help us to plan for the future and measure our progress towards those plans.
  • They also encourage us to do better in all areas of our lives by giving us clear targets to aim for.
  • And most importantly, setting goals helps us improve our lives by providing direction and focus that we may not otherwise have had before they were set.


Setting goals is an important part of living life successfully, whether at work or at home. By setting specific and measurable goals, you can make sure that your plans are realistic and achievable. The key is to prioritize your goals so that they take into account both your personal development as well as getting help from others along the way – especially when it comes time for achieving them!