Let the Kids Play

How to find a balance between work and play for kids

*Disclaimer: The following is an opinion post and may not resonate with all readers.

Is there such thing as too much learning? While kids need to engage in certain activities such as school, studying, or other extra-curricular activities for their benefit, they should be allowed to play.

a girl is staring at a play house in her backyard. Sometimes, kids should be allowed to have a break while playing.

Many kids love to play. It is no secret that many love to play because it is an enjoyable activity. Even though playing is an enjoyable activity, there are many ways in which it can be an educational activity. For more on this topic, you can click here.

From a young age, many parents are focused on how they can educate their children. Many parents believe that if they do not focus on education, then their children will be left behind, and not lead a good life. It is believed that good education includes going to school, completing homework, studying, and tutoring. Even though education is essential for anyone to navigate the world independently, young children do not benefit from an endless amount of learning.

Kids and Playing

As previously mentioned, playing is considered a fun activity for kids, but playing can also be classified as an educational activity because it encourages collaboration with others, fosters social skills, and teaches one to follow instructions. When kids play, they are able to engage in a stress-free activity while developing skills which will help them to navigate the world. Playing is not an activity to be frowned upon, nor should playing be used as a tool for reward or punishment. Kids should be allowed to play because they deserve to engage in fun activities.

Work First, Play Second

Although kids should be given the opportunity to play, it does not mean that they should not prioritize other activities. It is important for kids to know that there are other things that should be done for their benefit. For example, if there is homework that needs to be completed, then it can be made clear that the homework should be done for their benefit. and then they can play afterwards. While kids should learn to prioritize certain tasks over others, it is important to avoid overworking them. When trying to find a balance between work and play, evaluate the following:

  • Which tasks are a priority (ex. homework, after-school activities)?
  • Are these tasks important, or can they be done at a later time?
  • Do they have homework, or any studying to do?
  • What is the workload? Will it be too much/too little?
  • Does my child look tired or frustrated? Do they need a break?
  • Do they understand that some tasks are done for their benefit, and not to punish them?

Overall, kids should be given the chance to engage in activities that they enjoy, such as playing. It is important to find a balance between completing tasks such as homework, and wanting to enagage in any fun activity.