Month: April 2023

What is Procrastination and How to Combat it

Introduction Procrastination is the act of delaying or postponing a task or set of tasks. Procrastination is a common trait that affects many, especially those who are in school. Procrastination is not a phenomenon, but at some point, everyone has put off an assignment, or a chore that should...

What is Perseverance?

Introduction Perseverance is a character trait that allows you to keep going despite obstacles and challenges. Perseverance is essential for success in any field, from business to sports. If you are persistent, then you will be able to achieve your goals and overcome obstacles. This post will explore what...

Why you Should Have a Journal

Introduction Why should anyone have a journal? What is the purpose of it? Journaling is an essential part of self-improvement. It’s a way to organize your thoughts and feelings, and writing them down can help you resolve conflicts or problems that are bothering you. Journaling is also great for...